Ruby 2.7.0 has a lot of deprecations and warnings you need to know about.
Continue ReadingShell and Terminal Tweaks
A closer look at iTerm2 and Oh My ZSH
Continue ReadingA Rails Antipipeline Alternative?
Experiments with Rails, Webpack and Yarn
Continue ReadingRandomize Web Images with JavaScript
This is documented in many other places on the Internet, but it can’t hurt to have too many tutorials. You can jazz up your web site with a bit of JavaScript to randomly insert images on your page. I’m doing this on my masthead, as one example. The first requirement is to build a list of images: Then write the code to select one at random: Finally, you need to set up the HTML to hold the image: The name=’myPic’ relates to the JS “document.myPic.src” declaration. The id=’frontphoto’ definition in the <img> tag is the CSS magic that sizes the image. And the ‘images/bg.gif’ is a placeholder image that gets… Read More
Continue ReadingRuby 1.9.1 (Entry 1)
I installed Ruby 1.9.1 from the Ruby site. I did the default “configure ; make ; make test ; make install” dance as root using gcc 4.1.2. This puts all the Ruby 1.9.1 files under /usr/local. The Ruby 1.8.6 version is a standard RPM for Fedora Core 8, and it’s all under /usr. I decided to switch between the two Ruby versions by constructing shell aliases to change the $PATH variable, as shown below. The syntax is the bash shell. [cwl@Fedorahost ~]$ alias old_ruby alias old_ruby=’export PATH=/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/lib/ccache: \ /usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/games:/home/cwl/bin’ [cwl@Fedorahost ~]$ old_ruby [cwl@Fedorahost ~]$ ruby -v ruby 1.8.6 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 287) [i386-linux] [cwl@Fedorahost ~]$ gem env RubyGems Environment: – RUBYGEMS… Read More
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