Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by cwl
The latest headline from the Colorado Springs Gazette:
El Paso County COVID-19 incidence, positivity moving in wrong direction: health department
We know the PCR tests are notoriously inaccurate, but it’s the cases, the cases, as if that is the only metric that matters. If everybody stopped getting tested every time they sneezed, that might help the numbers a bit.
Anyway, if you read past the headlines, you eventually get this:
COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths in the county are down in recent weeks, with 28 admissions and one death between March 25 and March 31.
Gazette, April 2, 2021
And here’s the latest data from the State:

The rate changes are minimal, so why the panic?
Oh, and El Paso County has the most COVID variants in the state. Funny thing about Corona viruses – they mutate a lot. And how do we know the new mutations are “highly infectious”? What does that mean really? Any actual data to support that assertion? Only the “experts” know.
And of course the only “sensible” course of action is the mRNA injections (note the obligatory injection photo at the top of the article), no other alternatives are allowed. Not happening for this citizen.
On a positive note, Custer County has decided to return to normal. But we must put a negative spin on this good news:
Colorado county defies state by lifting COVID-19 restrictions. We need more “defiance” like this.