Last Updated on November 29, 2016 by admin

I decided to renew my email subscription with Runbox. I’ve been with them a year, and they offer a pretty reliable service.

Based out of Oslo, Norway, Runbox operates under Norwegian privacy laws which appear to be more stringent than here in the American Empire.

I purchased the Runbox Mini product at $34.95 / year USD, and that includes email hosting, i.e. your email can be set up to look like if you happen to own your own domain name. Note to USA citizens: you will be doing an overseas transaction on your credit card – if you don’t normally do that, call your CC company in advance and pre-authorize the payment. That should avoid chasing down a possible false-positive fraud rejection of your purchase.

Good Stuff

– A clean, easy to use UI.

– Reliable service, and they broadcast any down time or service interruptions.

– Customer service is via email, and the response time is excellent. Runbox also has a trouble ticketing system if you encounter any issues. They’re a small crew, but they seem to be on top of things. Nice.

Minor Annoyances

The spam filter uses SpamAssassin and a trainable filtering system by Dspam. Runbox claims they stop a lot of spam before it even gets to my inbox, but I can still get 50 – 100 junk emails in a 24 hour period. The filtering system is easy to use, and it’s pretty accurate; I don’t often have to rescue legitimate messages out of the spam folder, but it’s still a lot of crap to wade through.

Executive Summary

Overall, I’m very pleased with the product and the company. If you’re ready to jump to a new email provider, and especially if you are looking to add an extra degree of separation from the US Surveillance State, you should take a look at Runbox. Cheers!