The CWL Zone

Christopher W Lehman

Ruby and Rails Developer, IT Manager and Semiconductor EDA Specialist (Retired)

Current Employment...

See Former Employment and my current Skill Set .

I am currently involved in a pro bono (and proprietary) project pertaining to a novel approach to project management. The skill set includes Ruby on Rails version 7, using Tailwind CSS and PostgreSQL

Former Employment...

Senior Engineer with Comcast’s Technology, Product, Xperience organization (TPX) from 2012 to 2019

I was a member of the Applications Management Tools Team consisting of six Developers (including myself), a Manager and a Business Analyst building Configuration Management Database systems and Asset Management systems that track configuration and network topology information for the 8000+ Applications and 750K+ Devices used within TPX.

Development stack: Ruby on Rails 4.x and 5.1.

Front-end technology: jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap

Backend databases: MySQL , MongoDB

Version Control and Continuous Integration done with Git and Jenkins .

For more information about my work experience at previous employers, please see my Professional page.

Other Stuff...


Technical and site information at the About page.


I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and a Doctorate in Computer Science. Please see my Academic page for more details pertaining to my educational background.

Military Service


United States Marine Corps , September 1968 to September 1972. Honorable Discharge.

MOS: 2841 , Ground Radio Repair with Cryptographic Maintenance

Social Media

I do not have, and never will have a Facebook presence.

I no longer have a Twitter account.

I have closed my LinkedIn account.


My Blogging updates are random and varied. My political philosophy is best described as Self-Ownership, Private Property and Free Markets
